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Sidewalk Coffee Company

BRAZIL - Single origin coffee

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All about the coffee bean!

Roasted at our coffee roastery south of Cambridge these beans are our best selling coffee and the one we use as the basis for all our blends. They deliver consistently great tasting espressos, mochas and pour overs whether serving with milk or on their own and that smooth chocolate note shines through whatever method you use.

If you are looking for the perfect fresh coffee to wake you up in the morning and get you ready for your day this is the one for you! Equally you can enjoy this as an afternoon Latte or Cappuccino for that push through to the evening.

Coffee origin and summary information

ORIGIN - Brazil

REGION - Serra da Mantiqueira

ALTITUDE - 800 – 1350 m.a.s.l.

PREPARATION - Natural Process

VARIETY - Mundo Novo, Icatu, Acaiá, Catuaí, Tupi, Yellow Bourbon

CERTIFICATIONS - RFA (Rainforest Alliance), SSFC (Strictly Soft Fine Cup), NY (New York) 2/3, Screen Size (17/18)

HARVEST - May – August

Cupping and tasting notes

Acidity  Soft
Body Medium
Aroma Sweet
Cupping Notes chocolate notes, medium body, nutty, sweet, caramel, clean finish

Master roaster's assessment

Brazil is a well known coffee producing giant. They source around one-third of the world's coffee, making them the largest coffee producer on the globe! Of course, some of this is lower grade Arabica. However, this country is capable of producing specialty coffees and we have made sure that we source the best quality coffee and still provide a great value product.

This particular type is a standard specialty quality coffee. It is dry-processed, meaning the beans are patio-dried while they are still in the cherry. Since the coffees are dried in contact with the sweet mucilage, the coffee's cup profile will be heavy in body, sweet, smooth, and complex. The 17/18 screen size has a more consistent flavour without the pungent fruit notes that can turn up in smaller screen sized beans, which is an indication of varying bean maturity.

Our Master roaster says this is his favourite bean to roast:

“We have probably been roasting Brazil beans since the company started and we also see a good harvest.   The beans are sourced from a wide area ensuring exporters can deliver a consistent product at a fair price point. The resulting roast is consistent and satisfying with an even roast that is repeatable over and over” - Andrew

Target Roast Profile

Charge Temp: 200
Roast Duration: 12-13 mins
First Crack: 10mins / 205c
Drop Temp: Between 210c and 220c
Airflow: Increased at turning point, end of drying phase, first crack