We had a go today at roasting some decaffeinated coffee. I had heard things about about how difficult it was so was keen to give it a go but was also a little bit worried just in case we messed up.
Starting at a lower charge temperature of course gives you a lot of control early on however there is the risk that you might have an extended roast and bake the coffee. The mountain water process that removes the caffeine from the coffee can also make the been a little bit delicate. Applying too much heat too quickly could result in scorching the coffee bean and we don't want that. Nor do you.
So the approach of the low charge temp followed by an extended roast applying gentle heat for the whole process appears to have worked. Initial tastings are good however I need to wait a couple of days just to make sure that these results are valid. You can find a decaffeinated coffee our website if you want to give it a go. I'll share the rest profile and some other notes and maybe a video later on.
